Code of Conduct / Rules of Engagement

To ensure an enjoyable and inclusive experience for all who participate, support and/or volunteers with our many activities and initiatives, we kindly ask that you familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct / Rules of Engagement.


  1. Dress Code: Business casual—no suits and ties! We keep the atmosphere relaxed and welcoming.
  2. Positive Interactions: No awkward or uncomfortable conversations—we're here to have a great time and create a positive experience for everyone.
  3. No Hard Selling: Avoid aggressive sales pitches or pushing business cards. Feel free to exchange business cards respectfully when it makes sense.
  4. No Deal Closing: If you need to sell a product, service, or fundraising initiative, please do so outside of the Meetup.
  5. Door Prizes: If your business card is drawn for a prize, please choose only one to ensure fairness.
  6. RSVP Courtesy: If you RSVP but can’t make it, kindly inform a chapter volunteer ASAP (ideally 24 hours in advance) so someone on the waitlist can attend.
  7. Respect the Venue: Before leaving, settle your tab and consider tipping your waitstaff—they help make our Meetups great!
  8. Be Inclusive & Respectful: We welcome people from all backgrounds. Respect differing viewpoints and make space for everyone to feel included.
  9. No Excessive Self-Promotion: Share what you do, but avoid dominating conversations with sales pitches. Focus on building relationships first.
  10. Support the Venue: If possible, purchase a drink or appetizer to show appreciation for the hosting business.
  11. Respect People's Time: Keep conversations engaging and mindful—if someone is ready to move on, let them do so comfortably.
  12. Engage & Participate: Meetups are what we make them! Be open to meeting new people and contributing to meaningful connections.

Thanks for being part of LCCHub—let’s make every Meetup a great one!

Social Media

  1. Be Respectful & Inclusive: Our community is built on kindness, respect, and inclusivity. Treat everyone with courtesy, even if opinions differ.
  2. Keep It Positive & Constructive: Share uplifting, supportive, and helpful content that encourages meaningful connections. No negativity, gossip, or harmful speech.
  3. No Hard Selling or Spam: While we support local businesses, our pages aren’t a marketplace. Avoid excessive self-promotion, unsolicited sales pitches, or repetitive posting about your services.
  4. Engage, Don’t Just Promote: We encourage networking, but relationships come first! Share, comment, and engage authentically rather than just dropping links to your business.
  5. Respect Everyone’s Time & Attention: Keep posts relevant, concise, and aligned with our mission of community building and connection.
  6. Cross-Pollinate Thoughtfully: Feel free to follow multiple LCCHub chapters and engage in discussions, but ensure contributions are meaningful and add value.
  7. Stay On Topic: No Religious, Political, or Lobbying Content: To keep our group a welcoming and inclusive space for all, please avoid posting content related to religion, politics, lobbying, or any agenda-driven topics. Keep discussions focused on community, networking, and local initiatives.
  8. Celebrate & Support Local: Give shoutouts to local businesses, initiatives, and individuals making a difference in the community.
  9. Report Issues, Don’t Escalate: If you see something inappropriate or concerning, report it to an admin rather than engage in a public dispute.
  10. Respect Privacy & Confidentiality: Don’t share private conversations, personal information, or sensitive details about others without their consent.
  11. Use Hashtags & Mentions Wisely: If tagging a business or individual, ensure it’s relevant and appropriate. Over-tagging can be overwhelming.
  12. Have Fun & Make Genuine Connections! Social media should be an enjoyable and welcoming extension of our in-person Meetups. Let’s keep the spirit of LCCHub alive online!
By following these guidelines, we can ensure our social media spaces remain vibrant, supportive, and engaging for all. Happy connecting!

Photo & Media Use Policy

By attending an LCCHub Meetup, event, or activity, you acknowledge and agree that photographs and/or videos may be taken during the gathering. These images may be used by LCCHub for promotional purposes, including but not limited to social media, website content, newsletters, and other marketing materials.

If you do not wish to have your photo taken or used, please notify an LCCHub organizer or volunteer upon arrival. While we do our best to accommodate requests, we cannot guarantee the exclusion of all incidental appearances in group photos or event coverage.

Thank you for being part of our community and helping us showcase the incredible connections and energy that make LCCHub special!